

Terms & Conditions

Effective Date: [18/04/2024]

Welcome to Pickup Technologies LTD's on-demand pickup and delivery service ("Service"). These comprehensive Terms & Conditions ("Terms") govern the usage of our Service and establish a clear framework for your engagement with us. Please read these Terms carefully, as your access to and utilization of the Pickup Technologies LTD app ("App") and the Service is contingent upon your full compliance with these provisions. By using our Service, you accept these Terms. If you disagree with any part of these Terms, please refrain from using our Service.

1. Service Overview

1.1 Pickup Technologies LTD provides a versatile on-demand pickup and delivery service that caters to a wide range of transportation and package delivery needs.

1.2 Users can request various types of vehicles, including but not limited to cars, bicycles, motorbikes, mini trucks, and trucks to meet their specific requirements.

2. User Responsibilities

2.1 By using Pickup Technologies LTD's Service, Users explicitly commit to adhering to all relevant laws and regulations applicable in their respective regions, including, but not limited to, the licensing prerequisites for drivers.

2.2 If you opt to employ our Service as a means of transporting passengers, it is your responsibility to ensure that you possess all the requisite licenses and permits to function as a taxi driver, complying with the legal requirements of your jurisdiction.

2.3 Pickup Technologies LTD shall not be held accountable for any legal or regulatory complications that may arise due to your failure to procure the necessary licenses or permits.

2.4 Users assume sole responsibility for safeguarding their personal belongings and packages while using our Service. Pickup Technologies LTD disclaims all liability for any lost, damaged, or stolen items during transportation or delivery.

3. User Accounts

3.1 The creation of a user account on the Pickup Technologies LTD App is mandatory for accessing the Service.

3.2 Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account credentials and for any actions conducted under their account.

3.3 Users must furnish accurate, current, and complete information during registration and while using the Service.

4. Payment

4.1 Users undertake to remit payment for the Service in accordance with the rates and charges stipulated by Pickup Technologies LTD.

4.2 Accepted payment methods are subject to change, and Users are responsible for ensuring the validity and currency of their selected payment method.

4.3 Pickup Technologies LTD reserves the right to impose cancellation fees for request cancellations after a driver or delivery personnel has been dispatched.

4.4 Ride Request Allocation:

We understand that as a valued driver-partner on our platform, you rely on consistent ride requests to maximize your earning potential. While we strive to provide a steady stream of ride requests, there may be instances where you experience periods of low demand due to various factors such as fluctuating user demand, geographical location, or time of day.

Refund Policy Clarification:

If, due to circumstances beyond our control, such as low demand or technical issues, you do not receive ride requests during your subscription period, we regret to inform you that refunds will not be issued for the subscription fee paid. We understand that this may be disappointing, but it's important to emphasize that our subscription fee is not tied to the number of ride requests received but rather to the continued access to our platform and its features.

Support and Assistance:

However, we are committed to supporting our drivers during periods of low demand and encourage you to reach out to our support team if you have any concerns or need assistance. We continuously monitor and analyze ride demand patterns to optimize our platform and improve the overall experience for both drivers and users.

Continuous Improvement:

Please understand that our aim is to create a sustainable and thriving ride-sharing ecosystem for all participants. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes to enhance your experience as a driver on our platform.

4.5 Driver Subscription

1. Subscription Plan:
By opting for our Driver Subscription Plan, you agree to the following terms and conditions. This subscription plan grants you access to our platform's features and services for a designated period upon payment of the subscription fee. The subscription fee is non-refundable, regardless of usage or circumstances.

2. Insufficient Travel Offers:
We strive to provide ample travel opportunities to all subscribed drivers. However, we cannot guarantee the availability of travel offers at all times. We are not liable for insufficient travel offers received by drivers who are not specifically designated by us. Additionally, if a subscribed driver fails to receive travel or delivery offers for any reason, including technical issues or market fluctuations, we cannot be held responsible.

3. Non-Receipt of Offers:
In the event that a subscribed driver does not receive adequate travel or delivery offers during their subscription period, they acknowledge that the subscription fee will not be refunded. Our platform operates based on market demand and availability, and while we endeavor to maximize opportunities for all subscribed drivers, we cannot ensure a constant flow of offers.

4. Subscription Renewal:
Please note that subscription plans do not renew automatically. Upon expiration of the subscription period, drivers must actively renew their subscription to continue accessing our platform's services.

5. Amendments:
We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. It is the responsibility of subscribed drivers to review the terms periodically for any updates or changes.

By subscribing to our Driver Subscription Plan, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from subscribing to our service.

Certainly, here's the revised section with the appropriate numbering:

4.6 Payout Frequency:

4.6.1 Pickup Technologies LTD shall process payouts to drivers and delivery personnel on a bi-weekly basis, typically occurring every two weeks following the completion of a ride or delivery service.

4.6.2 The exact payout schedule may vary depending on factors such as banking processes, holidays, and local regulations. Pickup Technologies LTD will endeavor to communicate any changes to the payout schedule to drivers in a timely manner.

4.6.3 Drivers must ensure that their payment details are accurate and up-to-date in order to receive payouts promptly. Pickup Technologies LTD shall not be held liable for any delays or issues arising from inaccurate or outdated payment information provided by drivers.

4.6.4 In the event of any disputes regarding payouts, drivers are encouraged to contact Pickup Technologies LTD's customer support for resolution. Pickup Technologies LTD reserves the right to withhold payouts in cases where there is suspicion of fraudulent activity or violation of the terms and conditions outlined herein.

4.6.5 By continuing to use the Service, drivers acknowledge and agree to the payout frequency and terms and conditions set forth by Pickup Technologies LTD."

4.7 Disputed Payouts

4.7.1 In the event of a disputed payout, Pickup Technologies LTD reserves the right to temporarily withhold the disputed amount until the matter is resolved.

4.7.2 Drivers disputing a payout must provide sufficient evidence and reasoning for their dispute.

4.7.3 Upon resolution of the dispute in favor of the driver, Pickup Technologies LTD will promptly release the disputed amount.

4.7.4 Withdrawal Threshold and Requests:

   1. Drivers must reach the minimum withdrawal threshold of $100 before they can request a withdrawal. This policy ensures efficient processing of withdrawals and minimizes transaction costs for both drivers and the platform.
   2. Once the minimum withdrawal threshold of $100 is reached, drivers can request a withdrawal at any time. However, please note that withdrawals are subject to processing times and may take several business days to complete.
   3. The minimum withdrawal threshold of $100 is strictly enforced for all drivers on the platform. Exceptions to this policy are not granted under normal circumstances.

4.7.5 Pickup Technologies LTD may request the driver to recall any dispute initiated against a payout if the payout is scheduled within the regular bi-weekly payout cycle.

4.7.6 By initiating a dispute, drivers acknowledge and agree to abide by the resolution process outlined in the terms and conditions.

5. Privacy

5.1 Pickup Technologies LTD adheres to a strict Privacy Policy for the collection and processing of User data. By utilizing the Service, Users consent to the collection, utilization, and disclosure of their data in alignment with our Privacy Policy.

6. Dispute Resolution

6.1 In the event of any dispute between Users and Pickup Technologies LTD, both parties commit to resolve the matter through good-faith negotiations. If necessary, the dispute shall be submitted for arbitration or mediation in accordance with the legal framework of the jurisdiction governing these Terms.

Late Payment Fees:

In accordance with Belgian law, failure to settle invoices by the specified due date may result in the imposition of late payment fees. These fees are intended to incentivize timely payments and compensate for any additional costs incurred as a result of late payment.

Options for Late Fees:

1. **Flat Fee Option:** A flat late fee of €10 will be applied to any invoice that remains unpaid after the due date.

2. **Percentage Option:** Alternatively, a late fee of 1% of the total invoice amount will be applied for each day the invoice remains outstanding after the due date.

Communication of Terms:

These late payment fee terms are communicated to the customer in advance and are clearly stated on each invoice issued. By engaging in business with Pickup Technologies LTD, the customer agrees to adhere to these terms regarding late payments.

Dispute Resolution:

In case of a dispute concerning late payment fees, the customer is encouraged to contact Pickup Technologies LTD directly to seek resolution through negotiation or mediation.

Legal Compliance:

This clause is drafted in accordance with Belgian law, particularly with regard to the provisions of the Belgian Civil Code and the Belgian Law on Late Payments in Commercial Transactions.

7. Dispute Resolution:

7.1. Any dispute arising out of or relating to this agreement, including the validity, interpretation, or breach thereof, shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Belgian Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (CEPANI) by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said rules.

7.2. The arbitration shall be conducted in Antwerp, Belgium, in the English language, and the arbitral decision shall be final and binding upon both parties.



Pickup Technologies LTD retains the authority to terminate or suspend a User's access to the Service at its sole discretion in cases of violations of these Terms or engagement in unlawful or unethical conduct.

Changes to Terms

Pickup Technologies LTD retains the right to amend these Terms at any time. Users will be notified of such changes through the App or other communication channels. It is the User's responsibility to review these changes and continue to use the Service only if they agree to the revised Terms.

Contact Information

For inquiries, concerns, or feedback regarding these Terms or the Pickup Technologies LTD Service, please feel free to reach out to us at [] or contact by using app .

By engaging with Pickup Technologies LTD's Service, Users acknowledge their thorough comprehension of these Terms and express their commitment to adhere to them. Pickup Technologies LTD maintains the right to modify the Service and these Terms, and Users are encouraged to periodically review this document for updates.

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